compound sentence about fish

Everybody wanted to eat the cake; it looked so delicious. My The family’s black Labrador retriever evi-dently shared my fears, for he joined me in the tent. Here are some other sentence types: I love milk. Reading & writing Grammar Grammar and Mechanics Sentence Structure Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences. Here is 20 Compoun sentences examples; 1.I want to lose weight, yet I eat chocolate daily. Compound Sentence (câu ghép) là một loại câu cho phép chúng ta kết hợp từ hai ý tưởng trở lên. Alex likes to fish, and he is going fishing on Friday. Sarah walked to class, but Kevin ran. A compound sentence is a sentence with at least two independent clauses. Practice with Compound-Complex Sentences STEP 1: Underline the independent clauses with a … The Parts of the Sentence. Compound Sentence. Many fish die in polluted waters. it is a compound word because fish and men are in it but it is not even a word. Complex sentence. There are three primary methods of building a compound sentence: the use of coordinating conjunctions, the use of semicolons, and the use of colons. Some days are easy, and some days are hard. We should capitalize the first word in the compound sentence. rite the compound word on the blank space after the second word. A mother bear must catch fish, or her cubs will be hungry. It took Shelley three hours to finish getting ready for the show. Compound-complex: A sentence with two or … Compound vs. Complex Sentences. Review simple, compound, and complex sentences with your students to help them succeed as they begin writing reports and essays. During the period of emigration, owing to political troubles with Russia, over 12,000 Finns sailed from Hangs in a single year (1901), mostly for … Do not confuse a compound sentence with a simple sentence that contains a compound sub-ject, a compound verb, or both. A sentence typically contains a subject (what the sentence is about) and a predicate (something about the subject). E1 - Explanation. The parts of the sentence are a set of terms for describing how people construct sentences from smaller pieces. Compound Sentence = for Sentence , and nor but or yet so sentence . Overuse of compound sentences in an article can also weaken the quality of writing. Nancy's Simple, Compound, Complex Sentences Jeopardy Review Game. Which conjunction should we use? 2. We spotted a group of tiny fish. Therefore, "because fishing is fun" is a dependent clause (it doesn't express a complete thought). A dependent clause is a group of words that has both a subject and a verb but cannot stand alone as a sentence; An Independent Clause is a group of words made up of a subject and a predicate, it can stand alone as a sentence ; Now that we understand those two concepts, we can fully understand what compound sentences are: Question 1. Karen likes vanilla ice cream. It is a complex sentence, since none of the seven coordinators are used here. | Identify the following sentences as simple, compound or complex. Furthermore, I like to buy grilled food or grill at home. This page has more examples of compound sentences, a video, and an interactive exercise. The other baits were still in the water but there was nothing to be done.” (Hemingway) As long as there are no dependent clauses in either part of the sentence, it can be modified many different ways. He is going fishing on Friday. Gambler ate an entire pizza during lunch. A sentence with three or more independent clauses (and no dependent clauses) is still a compound sentence, but once you begin adding in dependent clauses, it becomes a compound-complex sentence, which we discuss later on. He learns swimming in … Select menu option View > Enter Fullscreen. When a sentence has two or more subjects, it's called a compound subject. (The comma signals that a new idea is … Compound sentences follow the same structure but do it twice. Subordinate conjunctions, coordinate conjunctions,correlative conjunctions. answer choices. Polar bears live in the north and south poles. (b) Brandon made burgers, Edward made pesto salad with garlic, and I prepared the lasagna. Answer (1 of 23): A compound sentence is made up of two or more independent sentences or principal or main clauses joined together by a Co-ordinating conjunction; as, 1) The horse reared and the rider was thrown. so and! More about Commas and Sentence Structure A sentence made up of two halves, either of which could be a standalone "sentence," is known as a compound sentence. Combine two simple sentences into a complex sentence by using a subordinating conjunction. A compound sentence joins two or more independent clauses, also known as simple sentences. Independent clauses are phrases that can stand alone as a complete thought. They're not dependent upon one another to express a complete thought, but they tie together similar ideas. Two independent clauses - I love my dog. I never go anywhere without her. [Here each co-ordinate clause is a Simple sentence.] The correct answers to the in-article practice items are listed below. If you want to come over, I can serve dinner. EnglishClub: Learn English: Grammar: Sentence Structure: Compound Sentences Compound Sentences. The subject of a sentence is a person, place, thing or idea that is doing or being something. Is the following sentence a Simple sentence or a Compound sentence? Before Carl ate his dinner, he went to the store. Compound sentences are made by joining two, or more, independent clauses. fish Sentence Examples. The fish flipped and dived back into the water. You can be a cold fish, sometimes. I ate very small fish for supper. The surface of the water ruptured, spewing a colorful fish into the air. Alex jerked the pole, setting the hook, and then glanced at her as the fish fought for freedom. When bees collect pollen, they pollinate the plants. More about Commas and Sentence Structure A sentence made up of two halves, either of which could be a standalone "sentence," is known as a compound sentence. Compound Sentence. However, it contains only one independent clause. Compound Noun: Sometimes two or three nouns appear together, or even with other parts of speech, and create idiomatic compound nouns. It combines two independent clauses by using a conjunction like “and.” This creates sentences that are more useful than writing many sentences with separate thoughts. Recording Sheet- Compound Sentences Make a compound sentence using a comma and a conjunction. Q. compound sentence . Fish and turtles swim. Female penguins usually stay at sea, but they return when their eggs hatch. 20 Questions Show answers. 4. P.S. For example, I like grilled steaks, burgers, fish, prawns, squid, octopus, chicken, and vegetables. A little boy played baseball with his friends. I want hamburgers, but Lois wants pizza. A mother bear must catch fish. For example: She wanted spinach salad; he wanted a hamburger. B - But: contrasting and unexpected results. I like coffee, and Mary likes tea. c. Lance Armstrong keeps saying he’s going to retire, yet each year he decides he’s not quite finished after all. so but! 2. Before beginning the examples and exercises, please watch the Explanation Video below. Which of these is an example of a compound sentence? Fish have gills because they need to breathe underwater. 8 terms. Not a Compound Sentence. SURVEY. Beware of mixing up Complex and Compound Sentences and using the right type of Conjunctions. Day 58: Compound and Complex Sentences Language Arts 5 Write whether the sentence is compound or complex on the line beside the sentence. And: Ahab seemed a pyramid, and I, … A sentence is a group of words that is complete in meaning. A simple sentence with “bait” contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. Compound sentences can be constructed in a number of ways. Is it a complex (multi-clause) sentence? Pollution damages streams and rivers. A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.In simple terms, an independent clause can be a sentence on its own while a dependent clause cannot.. Compound-complex sentences help us express longer … However, it contains only one independent clause. We saw in sentence structure that a compound sentence is two (or more) independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction or semicolon.So a compound sentence is like two or more simple sentences added together. Some words may match with words more than once. Nate and I made a tent, and we shared spooky stories. Subject. 4. Female penguins usually stay at sea, but they return when their eggs hatch. Question 1. These clauses are independent of each other. When temperatures rise, ice melts. These separate words don’t necessarily have to be nouns themselves; all they have to do is communicate a specific person, place, idea, or thing. A compound sentence does … Examples of Compound Sentences: 1. Preposition Sentences Examples; Imperative Sentence Examples; What is a Compound Sentence? If writing using simple sentences are too direct, plain, and boring for you, you can always consider writing using compound sentences. A sentence is a group of words that is complete in meaning. Identify the compound-complex sentence. Not all sentences that consist of two independent clauses need to use a comma and a coordinating conjunction. Depending on its type, a sentence consists of a main clause and … The sentence pattern here is subject subject verb. The pouch under a pelican’s … 5.She is famous, yet … 2.A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Semicolons can also be useful. b. 6. but! (This is a simple sentence.) Which sentences are compound sentences? Việc sử dụng câu ghép giúp cho câu văn trở nên chặt chẽ, liên quan hơn. 3.I used to be snow white, but I drifted. (a)My friends and I went to New York. I fear all kinds of wild creatures, but the family very kindly did not tease me about my apprehensions. Here is what a compound sentence example looks like diagrammed. Complex: A sentence that contains an independent clause (or main clause) and at least one dependent clause. Examples of Compound Sentences. If writing using simple sentences are too direct, plain, and boring for you, you can always consider writing using compound sentences. Men may come and men may go, but I go on forever. Compound Sentence. Answers: The family cooked dinner, ate together, then played a game. Simple Sentence. When the phone rang loudly, it made me jump. I fell out of the bed, so Mom came to check on me. Compound Subject Examples. A compound sentence joins two or more sentences that have related ideas of equal importance. The pond is … there is fisher and man in fisherman, and it … Regardless of how you structure a compound sentence, it signals to the reader that you are discussing two equally important ideas. The noun fish is often used to describe another noun, for example fish scales or fish fry, but it remains a noun, 'fish scale' or 'fish fry' can be considered compound nouns. There are different ways to link them which creates several types of compound sentences. When a sentence has two or more subjects, it's called a compound subject. A great way to remember conjunctions is FANBOYS: F - For: reasons. Although "I like to fish" is an independent clause and "fishing is fun" is an independent clause, this is still not a compound sentence. 1. Compound sentences can be constructed in a number of ways. Fish is a great source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Yes No 8. so! Firstly, I like grilled food. My dad had the steak, but I had the fish. Compound sentences 1. I don’t like fish, but I do like scallops. A simple sentence tells one complete thought. 4. (d) I like to eat fish and chips. In the middle of the night, I awoke to a strange sound; I immediately became frightened. You will need to pack lightly, for your vacation on the island, you will do a lot of walking. Compound Sentences,p.140 EXERCISE 1. Grade. Nick Allen had plenty of ideas, and he knew what to do with them. He went to the party, but she stayed home. No, the word fish is a noun and a verb. The noun fish is often used to describe another noun, for example fish scales or fish fry, but it remains a noun, 'fish scale' or 'fish fry' can be considered compound nouns. Is fish sticks a compound word? Here we can take the help of complex sentences. As this is an important sentence structure, we shall learn about it in detail. There is a considerable import of coal, cotton, iron and breadstuffs, the chief exports being butter, fish, timber and wood pulp. compound sentences plus subjects and verbs in each sentence type. A compound noun can be a common noun (fish sticks), a proper noun (Pizza Hut), or an abstract noun (lovesickness). The subject of a sentence is a person, place, thing or idea that is doing or being something. Lesson 58: Compound/Complex Sentences Language Arts 5 Write whether the sentence is compound or complex on the line beside the sentence. Dependent Clause. Subject and predicate 1. Compound Sentence. Check out these compound sentence examples that take two independent clauses and make them into one sentence. A simple sentence is a sentence that has only one predicate or ‘finite verb’. Compound Sentences Defining a Compound Sentence. Not a compound Sentence. One compound sentence example for each conjunction: For: I give the popular fishermen’s names for all these fish, for generally they are the best. 1.5 compound sentences. If compound, mark why. ! Compound-complex sentences are the most complicated sentences, as their name implies. answer choices. It is giving the reader more description about the outer planets. a. a compound sentence b. a series using the same verb c. using a common verb with compound subject d. a relative clause. (This is a simple sentence.) d. all of these 3. My aunt enjoyed taking the hayride with you. SUBJECT VERBS A simple sentence (also called an independent clause) contains a subject and a verb and expresses a complete thought. for full-screen mode. c. Lance Armstrong keeps saying he’s going to retire, yet each year he decides he’s not quite finished after all. A simple sentence with “hero” contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. Compound subjects contain two or more simple subjects joined with a coordinating conjunction such as "and" or "or." The two sentences go together. Complex sentence. There are three primary methods of building a compound sentence: the use of coordinating conjunctions, the use of semicolons, and the use of colons. Compound sentence. Compound sentences are important because they allow us to shorten the things we … 4.We went to the mall; however, we only went window-shopping. 4. Compound sentences make your writing lively. The boys sang and the girls danced. Complex Sentence. (e) Plants give us oxygen, but they also provide food. Namely, Simple sentence, Compound sentence, Complex sentence, and Compound-complex sentence. Warm-Up Directions- Copy the sentence. Maria has a fish. Below is a sample or example on how to write ten sentences about your favorite food in English. Her cubs will be hungry. Because pollution damages streams and rivers, many fish die in polluted waters. (More) A compound noun is a type of noun comprised of two or more words indicating the name of people, animals, ideas, or things. b. Using a common verb with compound subject. Compound sentences join at least two independent clauses that have related ideas. The girl was scared of the clown, so she ran away. Compound: Two (or more) simple sentences joined by a conjunction or an appropriate mark of punctuation. Alex likes to fish. she did much better at her next game. Even though she wanted a dog, her parents bought the girl a fish. Examples. 2. Both fish and turtles are the subject. A barber makes a perfect haircut of mine. Depending on its type, a sentence consists of a main clause and sometimes one or more subordinate clauses. ///// ///// 2. SURVEY. Furthermore, when the fishermen bring in a boatload of fish they can find out the current market prices for their fish which will help them bargain with the middlemen to whom they sell their fish. Putting together simple sentences into compound sentences tends to be more appealing to readers. Compound nouns work together as a single unit to name a person, thing, or place and the meaning of the full compound is usually different from the individual word. Simple sentences have no dependent (subordinate) clauses. The compound sentence is, as noted previously, two or more independent clauses joined with a comma, semicolon or conjunction. Alex likes to fish, and he is going fishing on Friday. Maria has a fish, but she wanted a cat. He is asking to write something on the blackboard. ). A compound-complex sentence has at least two independent clauses and at least one dependent clause.In simple terms, an independent clause can be a sentence on its own while a dependent clause cannot.. Compound-complex sentences help us express … N - Nor: not one or the other. Regardless of how you structure a compound sentence, it signals to the reader that you are discussing two equally important ideas. Sets with similar terms. 1. Amy likes pizza. Press F11. A compound sentence has at least two independent clauses that have related ideas. 30 seconds. See more. RELATED WORDS : ... "fish bread" will search for verses that contains "fish bread" in minimum 1 bible version: at least one: search for verses that contains any of the search words. Thank you for your input. Q. Aaron has an unconventional swing, but he manages to drive the ball farther than some professional golfers. simple. This compound sentence consists of three independent clauses. A compound sentence joins two or more independent clauses with a coordinator such as for, and, or but, or a semi-colon. Henry, who … Highlight 1 complex sentence: IF I HAD A BRONTOSAURUS If I had a brontosaurus, I would name him Horace or Morris. In this paragraph, I will be writing about my favorite food. The conjunction that joins the two halves of a compound sentence is preceded by a comma. Compound-Complex Sentence. ... Now, try to form a compound-complex sentence with these clauses. Some days are easy, and some days are hard. A thief caught red-handed stealing things in the bedroom. While she was sleeping, the cat went downstairs. So what will the compound sentence be? We should use “or” because “or” shows choice. She wanted a cat. My father doesn't speak good English. (one independent clause whose subject distributes across two verbs joined with a conjunction) That rule states that a comma should be used only when two independent sentences are combined with a coordinating conjunction to create a compound sentence: I went to the lake, and I saw a duck. Complex sentence. a. Typical sentence constructs follow a subject + verb + direct object formula. Compound sentences are made up of at least two Let’s apply the three questions to an example: The two clauses in a compound sentence can be In Example 1, the first statement, that ‘she did well in her examination‘ is caused by the fact stated in the second statement, that ‘she is a good student’ Good job! Mrs. Musto and Mrs. Idiomatic means that those nouns behave as a unit and, to a lesser or greater degree, amount to more than the sum of their parts. Answer (1 of 3): Conjunctions are mainly three types. 2. LET’S JOIN TWO MORE SENTENCES. The sloth eats and sleep while hanging upside down. 4. Compound-complex sentences are the most complicated sentences, as their name implies. This is the very basic construction of Complex Sentences, more layers can be added to make the sentences longer and more complex in nature by increasing the number of Dependent Clauses as well as correct punctuation marks (comma, semicolon etc. Spot the Complex Sentences 1. riyam. To make sure you are writing the right type of sentence, you can use a sentence editor free tool to check it. The photographer held up a bear, and the little boy smiled. A compound sentence does … We saw in sentence structure that a compound sentence is two (or more) independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction or semicolon.So a compound sentence is like two or more simple sentences added together. A sentence consisting of at least one dependent clause and at least two independent clauses may be called a complex-compound sentence or compound-complex sentence. Sentence 1 is an example of a simple sentence. 1. See the fact file below for more information on compound sentences or alternatively, you can download our 26-page Compound Sentences worksheet pack to utilise within the classroom or home … See in a Guided Lesson. Weegy: The girl wanted a dog; however, her parents bought her a fish. A compound sentence joins two simple sentences with and, but, or or. They got there early, and they got really good seats. A compound sentence is typically composed of at least two independent clauses that are linked by a comma (,), a semicolon (;), a dash (—) or a conjunction.These independent clauses refer to a type of clause that consists of a subject and a verb and conveys a complete … The photographer held up a bear, and the little boy smiled. The cupcake had blue frosting. 7. 30 Questions Show answers. Compound Sentences with “bait” A compound sentence with “bait” contains at least two independent clauses. The compound sentence contains more than one independent clause, such as “Birds fly, and fish swim.”. ... Pilar looked for tiny … Karen likes chocolate ice cream. The independent clauses can be joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) or by a semicolon, as you can see in the compound sentence examples below. Because opinions are still divided, further discussions will be necessary. Fish swim . , , , , , , , but and and but! The conjunction that joins the two halves of a compound sentence is preceded by a comma. There are seven useful ways to join independent clauses (simple sentences) to make more interesting, or compound, sentences. Amy likes hot dogs. There is a pond. There are four types of sentence structures. The four basic sentence structures are the: 1. But if suddenly one day he had a lot of little brontosauri, I would change his name to Laurie. Which of these is an example of a compound sentence? a. 3. Examples of Compound Sentences: 1. Writing Compound Sentences. The sloth eats and sleep while hanging upside down. 2. Mark as simple or compound. Here are some other sentence types: I love milk. The boy ran while the dogs chased him. His courage won him honor. he got tired very quickly. Typical sentence constructs follow a subject + verb + direct object formula. No teams 1 team 2 teams 3 teams 4 teams 5 teams 6 teams 7 teams 8 teams 9 teams 10 teams Custom. I want hamburgers, but Lois wants pizza. Compound sentence is one of these sentence structures. Complex sentence. Compound Sentences with “hero” A compound sentence with “hero” contains at least two independent clauses. Compound Sentences Put the two sentences together to form a compound sentence. Examples of Compound Noun. Come take a closer look at these exciting complexities. The men fish and camp. The Compound Sentence. A compound sentence is one made of two clauses (sections). The pond is near our house. Compound sentence definition, a sentence containing two or more coordinate independent clauses, usually joined by one or more conjunctions, but no dependent clause, as The lightning flashed (independent clause) and (conjunction) the rain fell (independent clause). a similar compound word is fisherman. Sentence 2 is compound because "so" is considered a coordinating conjunction in English, and sentence 3 is complex. If compound, mark why. Sort each sentence by simple or compound. Progression is from ... her fish. d. all of these May have a subject and verb, but does not express a complete thought. I like to fish because fishing is fun. When the phone rang loudly, it made me jump. 300 seconds. Joe and his dad watched the huge fish on the end of the line (what does this sentence demonstrate)? - Andrew Clements, Frindle (1998) 3. Compound subjects contain two or more simple subjects joined with a coordinating conjunction such as … Every compound noun is two or more words that come together to form a noun. With the use of compound sentences, you will not only be able to add more details to your written compositions you will also be able to give your writeups a colorful turn which, as a result, will engage and encourage your readers to read … There are lots of ways to combine independent thoughts and create new meaning. A compound sentence is made up of two or more simple sentences joined with a conjunction. We tried to catch them, but they were too fast. Simple: A sentence with only one independent clause. Use a comma when necessary. Highlight 2 compound sentences and 2 complex sentences: THE SILVER FISH While fishing in the blue lagoon, I caught a lovely silver fish. Aslam killed a snake. It took Shelley three hours to finish getting ready for the show. They wanted to go to Paris, but I wanted to see London. The sentence is: I went running, but Emily stayed inside. Other subjects are compound. 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